eDiscovery Healthcare Solutions, LLC
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E-Discovery Healthcare Litigation Readiness

Reliable and professional staff that will help you every step of the way in developing a litigation readiness program for your healthcare organization.  Contact us for a FREE consultation!

Effective January 1, 2014, federal mandates for healthcare and digital record-keeping was required for public and private healthcare providers.  

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act also includes financial incentives for healthcare providers who provide meaningful use of electronic health records ("EHR").  EHR is not only a more comprehensive patient history than electronic medical records ("EMR"), the latter of which contains a patient's medical history from just one practice, but also the end-goal of the federal mandate.  

Penalties also exist for non-compliance.  Administrators who haven't implemented EMR/EHR systems and demonstrated their meaningful use by 2015 will experience a 1% reduction in Medicare reimbursements, and rates of reduction will likely rise annually thereafter.  

Thus, the need for electronic discovery healthcare litigation readiness.  

There are several legal issues surrounding electronic medical records that healthcare professionals should become aware of, to wit:
  • Risk for medical malpractice claims
  • Likelihood of medical errors
  • Vulnerability to fraud claims
  • Breaches, theft, and unauthorized access to protected health information
  • Practical tips for healthcare leaders
The mission of eDiscovery Healthcare Solutions, LLC is to offer an overview and framework for the myriad of legal and technology issues that need to be addressed whether you are requesting or producing "electronically stored medical information" or (ESMI).  

The ebook, "E-Discovery Nuts and Bolts: The Essentials of Electronic Discovery for Healthcare Professionals", will provide you with a blueprint and suggest steps that healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations should consider implementing prior to being named in a lawsuit.  ​

Pick up a copy at www.amazon.com

Available at www.amazon.com